Confidence (Training Topics)

Emotional Control (Training Topics)

Goal Setting (Training Topics)

Meditation & Visualization (Training Topics)

Motivation (Training Topics)

Play Present (Training Topics)

Positive Self-Talk (Training Topics)

Relaxation & Breathing (Training Topics)

Resilience (Training Topics)

Self Awareness (Training Topics)

Stress & Pressure (Training Topics)

Supporting the Athlete (Training Topics)

Team Building (Training Topics)

Your Process/Routine (Training Topics)
Recently Added

S2 | EP3 Potent in the Present

S2 | EP2 Potent in the Present

S2 | EP1- Potent in the Present

S2 EP17 | Lose My Focus

S2 EP16 | I'm Hard on Myself

S2 EP15 | Being Consistent

S2 EP14 | Afraid to Fail and Make Mistakes

S2 EP13 | Breathe and Be

S2 EP12 | Fear, Faith, Freedom, Instinct, Insight, Intuition

S2 EP11 | Free to Flow

*Start Here (*Series)
Intro Series to Train the Mind®

Enter the Zone (*Series)
Coach Graham breaks down the key plays in using your mental skills to get into the zone. Whether you're feeling anxious or tired, or worried about tomorrow, how do you get back into the present to perform your best? Each video is only 1-2 minutes so you can get in a quick mental workout each day. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Lead Yourself | The Foundation (*Series)
Mike Franco, Mental Performance Coach to the Orlando Magic, teaches this intro course to break down the foundational pieces of our mental skillset. Mastering these skills is what separates good athletes from great athletes. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

LUCID AUDIO with Graham Betchart (*Series)
AUDIO ONLY - First aired in 2016 on the LUCID APP. Train with Coach Graham Betchart. Learn to move on from a bad game, and tackle nerves, stress, and fears. *Note these training sessions are only available in audio format. Listen by clicking on the Headphones icon (once you click on the headphones – you may need to scroll down to play the audio session). *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Mind Travel (*Series)
Mind Travel is a series of training sessions using sport psychology tools and mindfulness exercises to help you become more present and intentional in regard to your goals in performance and life in general. * Please note – earlier seasons of Dr. Ronald’s training were filmed in front of a live audience via a webinar. He sometimes makes references to days, dates, and current sporting events. There may also be times when we had a technology challenge or made reference to previous or upcoming training sessions. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Mindful Minute (*Series)
Check-in for 60 seconds with Coach Graham. This one minute could change your day. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Mindfulness, Frequency & High Vibes (*Series)
This series utilizes Sports MetaPhysics training to help you raise your mood, energy and performance levels on the court and in life. * Please note – earlier seasons of Laura’s training were filmed in front of a live audience via a webinar. She did many of her classes on the road – traveling with an NBA team. There may be times when we had a technology challenge or made reference to previous or upcoming training sessions. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Mindset Matters (*Series)
Coach Graham Betchart and Dr. Ronald Kimmons team up to teach a course on how mental skills can impact your performance. They cover everything from understanding how your thoughts can affect your behavior to being real with yourself, owning your role, and living your truth. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

MVP 3-Part Series (*Series)
Sit back, relax, and let Coach Graham guide you through a 3-part MVP - meditation, visualization, and powerful self-talk series. This MVP focuses on remembering a time before sports meant pressure and results - when it was all about having fun. You're going to relax, but stay alert. [CC] English, Spanish, Italian *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Open Eye Meditation (*Series)
Coach Graham guides you through the Open Eye Meditation Series. This will take a different level of concentration, a different level of focus, a different level of commitment. You have to place your eyes on a single point in front of you and sustain that focus for the entire meditation. Each episode builds on the last, teaching you to hold your focus longer and longer. Sit down, get comfortable, relax, but at the same time, stay alert. When everything around you feels chaotic, you’ll be able to use this skill in all aspects of your life. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Pressure is Joy (*Series)
Coach Graham Betchart and Coach Laura Wilde team up to teach a course in performing under pressure. What is pressure? We're going to feel feelings, but knowing what to do with those feelings can help us thrive under pressure and even embrace pressure-filled moments. In this multi-part series, Graham and Laura will take you through their 3 Plays with accompanying meditations. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Run the Play (*Series)
The Coaches Series - Coach Graham Betchart teams up with guest coach, Grant Parr, a Mental Sports Performance Consultant focusing on high-impact and combat sports. Together they created this series for coaches. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Sunday Sports Sermon (*Series)
Reflect, meditate and visualize positivity in your life. Sunday Sports Sermon with Coach Laura is a great way to start your week. * Please note – earlier seasons of Laura’s training were filmed in front of a live audience via a webinar. She did many of her classes on the road – traveling with an NBA team. There may be times when we had a technology challenge or made reference to previous or upcoming training sessions. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

The Fundamentals (*Series)
Coach Graham breaks down the fundamentals of mental skills. What do you need to rep out and ultimately master to unlock your potential. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

The Play Present Way (*Series)
One on one training with Coach Graham. The Play Present Way training is the same training Graham provides to his pro athlete clients. Learn to focus on the moment at hand, turn nervous energy into positive energy, get to that next play speed, and find calm under pressure. Train with Graham just a few minutes each day and master these skills. *Seasons 1–3 can be found under Graham's Series, The Play Present Way (Archived Episodes). Early episodes were filmed Live. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Train the Mind (*Series)
This training series is designed to help you create powerful change in your life. Coach Onika uses a 3 step process - awareness, acceptance, and action. Join this class to make simple changes - like showing up on time for practice or bigger, more impactful changes to improve your game and life. * Please note – earlier seasons of Onika’s training were filmed in front of a live audience via a webinar. She did many of her classes on the road – traveling with the Canadian National Basketball team. There may be times when we had a technology challenge or made reference to previous or upcoming training sessions. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Walk to Win (*Series)
We are so rushed, running to results that we forget to enjoy the present. Learning to be in the present will actually get you to the results you desire. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Ω Guest Coach Series (*Series)
We're excited to feature other world-class coaches who also work with elite athletes and teams.

Ω Lead Yourself (ARCHIVED EPISODES) (*Series)
Lead Yourself is a course designed to give you the tools and the awareness so that you can lead yourself through any situation in your sport and in life. * Please note – earlier seasons of Mike’s training were filmed in front of a live audience via a webinar. He did many of his classes on the road – traveling with the Dallas Mavericks and Texas Legends. There may be times when we had a technology challenge or made reference to previous or upcoming training sessions. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.

Ω The Play Present Way (ARCHIVED EPISODES) (*Series)
Early episodes of The Play Present Way were filmed LIVE This training is the same training Graham provides to his pro athlete clients. Learn to focus on the moment at hand, turn nervous energy into positive energy, get to that next play speed, and find calm under pressure. New episodes can be found under Graham’s Series, The Play Present Way. * Please note – Seasons 1–3 were filmed in front of a live audience via a webinar. Graham led these training sessions from the road – traveling with an NBA team and players. There may be times when we had a technology challenge or made reference to previous or upcoming training sessions. *Use the "See All" link to view ALL videos.