Train the Mind® Videos

Train the Mind® in the News

Dr. Ronald Kimmons
Dr. Ronald Kimmons talks about his work with the Utah Jazz. trains student-athletes to cope with game stress trains student-athletes to cope with game stress Aaron Gordon creates online mental performance training gym for young athletes Aaron Gordon creates online mental performance training gym for young athletes
Texas Rangers appoint Mike Franco to Major League staff

News Featuring Our Team - San Jose high school coach on the court as former player wins NBA championship - San Jose high school coach on the court as former player wins NBA championship
Strengthening the Mind: How Mental Skills Coaches Impact Pro Sports Teams in North Texas
Strengthening the Mind: How Mental Skills Coaches Impact Pro Sports Teams in North Texas
Business Insider: A 38-year-old mental coach has become one of the NBA's premier resources
Business Insider: A 38-year-old mental coach has become one of the NBA's premier resources
Close up of Aaron Gordon making a shot Sports Psychology and Meditation Helps Aaron Gordon Build Confidence

Cutting Edge Sports

Palms Down
High-Performance Mindfulness: The Next Frontier In Basketball
Graham Betchart is changing how elite athletes approach the game
Graham Betchart is changing how elite athletes approach the game
Coach Onika Green is interviewed on the Witz Podcast, a show about making humans better.
Coach Onika Green is interviewed on the Witz Podcast, a show about making humans better.

Train the Mind® Coaches Council

In 2020 when coaches and players at every level were facing uncertainty about their upcoming season as well as their future we put together a Coaches Council to discuss  topics the following:

  1. What is your strategy for helping your players?
  2. What about yourself as a coach and leader?

The following videos capture the live discussion with coaches from all over the country.